V Logatcu sem danes želela napraviti kak posnetek
orehovih listov in ko sem začela, kar nisem mogla nehati.
Ne vem, kaj je s temi listi;
ko sonce posije nanje in se pokažejo žile,
mi je to tako privlačno.
Nekaj mora biti na tem, saj tudi na svojih AVGUSTvarjanjih
zelo velikokrat uporabim prav ta motiv.
Nekaj sem jih zbrala na kup.
Today I wanted to take a photo of walnut-tree’s leaves
in Logatec, but when I started I just couldn’t stop.
orehovih listov in ko sem začela, kar nisem mogla nehati.
Ne vem, kaj je s temi listi;
ko sonce posije nanje in se pokažejo žile,
mi je to tako privlačno.
Nekaj mora biti na tem, saj tudi na svojih AVGUSTvarjanjih
zelo velikokrat uporabim prav ta motiv.
Nekaj sem jih zbrala na kup.
Today I wanted to take a photo of walnut-tree’s leaves
in Logatec, but when I started I just couldn’t stop.
I don’t know what is with these leaves;
when the sun shines on them and their veins show up
it seems so attractive to me.
It must be something about it since I use this motif
quite often also on my AVGUSTvarjanja paintings.
I collected together some of them.
when the sun shines on them and their veins show up
it seems so attractive to me.
It must be something about it since I use this motif
quite often also on my AVGUSTvarjanja paintings.
I collected together some of them.

13 detajlov z mojih slik, ki prikazujejo liste v vseh mogočih kombinacijah;
13 details from my paintings showing leaves in all sorts of combinations:
13 details from my paintings showing leaves in all sorts of combinations:

I love the first photo and the collage is amazing cool!
ART, http://johannaurban.blogspot.com
bo že držalo, da so nam določene oblike, barve, motivi... večji navdih. in takrat si je treba dat duška, ker nastanejo najboljše ideje :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiKrasno si tole prenesla na steklo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala vsem trem!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks to all three of you!
Mojca: Ja, se strinjam.
clever you! i love the photo collage with the painted glass :)