Po dolgem času je svoja vrata odprla pivnica Anton v Grosupljem,
kjer bo od septembra dalje spet na voljo hrana in njihovo domače pivo.
Uf, tole se sliši kot reklama, v bistvu sem pa samo vesela,
ker so mi takele pivnice z lastnim »pridelkom« simpatične :),
v tem konkretnem primeru pa mi je zelo všeč tudi ambient.
After quite some time the Anton brewpub in Grosuplje reopened its door
After quite some time the Anton brewpub in Grosuplje reopened its door
and from September on there will be food and their home beer available again.
Uf, this sounds like a commercial, but the fact is that I’m just happy,
because I like this kind of pubs with their own “harvest” :)
and in this particular case I enjoy very much in the ambient atmosphere, too.
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