Avgust je bil zame vedno mesec, ko poletje dobi čudovito tople oranžne barve,
tokrat pa temu ni tako. Pravzaprav skoraj celo letošnje poletje ponazarja tole tihožitje:
školjke v mivki -> poletje
limete in rumeno-zelena barva -> kislo
limete in rumeno-zelena barva -> kislo
Kislo poletje torej...
(Ampak vidim tudi fige, moj najljubši sadež, zato se morda vse skupaj še prevesi v sladko poletje?)
For me August always was the month when summer gets wonderfully warm orange colours,
For me August always was the month when summer gets wonderfully warm orange colours,
but this time it is not so. This still-life illustrates how the summer looks like this year:
shells in the sand -> summer
limes and colour yellow-green -> sour
limes and colour yellow-green -> sour
So, sour summer it is...
(But I can also see some figs, my favourite fruit, so maybe there is a sweet summer still waiting around the corner?)
what do you call those long brown/purple things on the photo? they're called alfarrobas in portuguese, i think, but i've never seen them outside of portugal :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo lepa fotka, super barve :-))
OdgovoriIzbrišiWe call them rožiči and we always bring them back home from vacation on Croatian coast. As far as I know the tree doesn't grow in Slovenia. But I know they are delicious, although smelly! :)
Hvala! :)
Odlično si tole kislo poletje ponazorila s fotografijo. Verjamem pa, da to še ni konec, da še pride sladko.