Kljub temu, da sem zadnjič na lovu za lepimi posnetki v Kamniški Bistrici napol odletela v tisto ledeno vodo in si skoraj razbila nos (posledice se na srečo počasi celijo), se nisem mogla upreti včerajšnjim privlačnim odsevom na izviru reke Krke. Voda je tako kristalna, da skorajda ne vidiš, kje se konča obrežje in začne jezerce.
Tako majhen prostor, a magičen – v njega globinah so skrivnostni podzemni rovi, v odsevih pa se skriva prostrano vesolje.
Despite the fact that I half-fell into that freezing water and almost broke my nose (on fortunately the consequences are healing well) while catching beautiful images the other day in Kamniška Bistrica, I couldn’t resist yesterday’s attractive reflections at Krka river source. The water is so crystal clear that you almost cannot see where the shore ends and the lake begins.
Such a tiny place, yet magical – into its depths there are mysterious underworld tunnels and in its reflections the whole wide universe is hiding.
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