Par deset metrov stran od jezerca, kjer Krka ugleda sonce, je kraška jama, se pravi Krška jama, ki pa je bila ob tisti uri na žalost ravno zaprta.
Vseeno si ne bi mogla izbrati primernejšega časa za ogled. Ko sva se v najhujši poletni opoldanski vročini po z mahom obraslem skalnatem hodniku, nad katerim so se klanjale krošnje, približala vhodu v jamo, sva začutila hlad, ob katerem sem vsaj jaz za trenutek pomislila, da bi bilo pametno imeti s sabo še kaj za ogrniti se.
Vendar, ko sva od tam odšla in je v naju spet butnil vroč zrak, bi se človek kar vrnil nazaj na tisto prijetno hladno mesto.
Temperaturna razlika je bila neverjetna! Najbolje je bilo malo postati nekje vmes, kjer so te izmenično oblivali vroči in hladni tokovi. Zares prijetno!
A couple of dozen meters away from the little lake, where Krka river finds its way out to the sun, there’s a carst cave Krška jama (Krka cave). Unfortunately it was closed at that hour.
Anyway, we couldn’t choose more appropriate time for our visit. When we were approaching to the entrance of the cave in the worst summer noon heat through the corridor of rocks completely overgrown with moss and lovely green treetops above our heads, we felt a chill coming out the cave that made me think at least for a second that it would be wise to have something additional with long sleeves to put on.
But when we left the entrance and the hot air hit us again we wanted to return to that pleasant cool spot.
The temperature difference was so amazing! The best was to linger somewhere in between for a while where hot and cold airflows were alternately caressing us. So pleasant!
Par dni me ni na sceni in vidim, da sem ogromno zamudila, od sladkih, glasbenih do naravnih utrinkov. Ampak na blogu se da vse nadoknaditi in to sem tudi storila. ;))) Lepo je bilo priti spet na obisk.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVladuška, lepo te je spet gostiti! :)