petek, 28. november 2014

Dnevi, taki in drugačni
Days, these and other kind

Seveda, oktobrski dopust je prinesel dneve, ko sva poležavala v kopalkah in komaj zdržala jakost popoldanskega sonca, in dneve … ko si nisva upala dvigniti niti rolet na oknih, kaj šele oditi ven, ves čas trepetajoč, da bo burja odnesla streho.

Of course, our October holidays brought days when we were sunbathing just barely enduring the power of afternoon sun and there were days … when we did not dare to lift blinds on the windows not even for a second, let alone going out, trembling all the time the burja wind will swept away the roof.

2 komentarja:

  1. Beautiful, beautiful places! And if we note that they were quiet at this time of the years plus the sunny days - what a nice opportunity to relax you've both had!
    I like what I see, I like what I read... Colours and smells, and tastes... and a good mood, too!
    I wish you a lovely December Maja!:)

  2. Yes, it was very quiet, indeed. We were almost alone there. We wanted to go earlier, but plans didn't work out as we first thought. But then we were more than pleased with this October un-plug. :)

    Dear Rosica, I too wish you lovely December and may some wishes of your heart come true.


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