Ko so se proti vrhu Rašice meglice razkadile, sem, preden sva se povzpela na stolp, s katerega je bil krasen razgled na morje z otočki (tisti na levi v ozadju je Šmarna gora), kot temu pojavu pravim jaz, tokrat pa sva slišala najmanj dva starša otrokom simpatično razlagati: lej, koliko smetane se vidi s stolpa in malo večjim: pojdite gor na stolp pogledat, če se vidi mleko, zagledala eno od smernih tabel, ki sem jih napisala jaz.
Glede na to, da imam v spominu, da sem zadnjo serijo izdelala že več kot zelo debelo desetletje nazaj in ker včasih, sicer redko, po okoliških hribih vseeno še naletim na kakšno svojo, zelo zdelano, je bila ta presneto dobro ohranjena.
When, approaching the top of Rašica, the mists fade away, before we climbed the tower, which offers a splendid view over the sea with little islands (the one on the left in the background is Šmarna gora), as I call this phenomena, but this time we heard at least two parents explaining cute theories about it to their children: look, how much cream you can see from this tower and to a bit bigger children: go to the tower and let me know, if there is a milk under, I saw one of the direction signs I had written.
Considering, I have in mind I made the last series of them a fat fat decade ago and because sometimes, though very rarely, when hiking around local hills I still bump into one of those written by me, usually very time-damaged, this one was surprisingly well preserved.
Kako lepo mlecno morje z otocki :) Vidis, tabla je odlicne izdelave in se se kljub svoji starosti odlicno drzi.