Včeraj sva šla iskat sonce, sva rekla: pejva na en hribček, izbrala Rašico, ampak se potem skoraj nisva želela vrniti v dolino, predvsem pa mi je bila pot navzgor, vsa v meglicah, kjer se je pobliskavalo le zláto listje in biseri pajčevin, mnogo mnogo lepša, skorajda vznemirljivejša kot počitek na vrhu, kjer so bile sicer stvari, ki sem jih iskala, lepe za znoret, tisto, ko prideš gor in hlastaje loviš zrak, kot kadar se za sekundo ali dve dvigneš na površje vode in veš, da se boš spet potopil, a vseeno kar malce dolgočasno določene: sonce, modrina, preprosta radost. Obet je tisto, kar draži. Ne pravijo zaman: pot je zanimivejša od cilja.
We went on a quest to search the sun yesterday, we said: let’s go up one hill, chose Rašica and then almost did not want to return to the valley, but mostly, I found the way up with just golden leaves and pearls of spider nets shining in the mists much more beautiful, almost more exciting than the rest on the top, even though all the things I was looking for were there, all beautiful as hell, you know, when you come up eagerly catching breath just like you come to the surface for a second or two knowing you are going to dive again, but still a bit boringly defined: sun, clear blue sky, simple joy. A promise is what teases. They do not say it in vain: the path is more interesting than the goal.
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