ponedeljek, 10. november 2014

Izabelin sok
Isabella juice

Jutri je torej dan, ko mošt dozori v vino.

No, tole (pravzaprav kar eno od steklenic, kar je veliko, ker gre za skromne, vrtne količine), kar sva dobila midva od tasta, takoj naslednji dan po trgatvi, ko (in predvsem KER) se je z njim hvalil na Facebooku, je bil sveže iztisnjen izabelin sok. In dober. :)

Tomorrow is one of the most festive autumn folk holidays here in my country, Martinovanje [The feast of St. Martin], the day, when must finally turns into wine.

Well, this in the photo (meaning one of the bottles and this is a lot, since we're talking about very modest, garden quantities), which we got from my father in law the very next day after he made harvesting, when (and mostly BECAUSE) he boasted with it on Facebook, was freshly squeezed juice of isabella. And a good one. :)

4 komentarji:

  1. It's most delicious, when prepared by yourself!:) Happy Martinovanje!:)

  2. Thanks, Rosica! :) I hardly wait for tomorrow when my mum invited us all for her delicious Martinovo dinner. Enjoy autumn!

  3. Odličen sok,vsako leto naredim sok in sirup za ozimnico iz grozdja jurke ali izabele.Jesensko listje se v barvah lepo poda k barvam Zoje:)


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