ponedeljek, 31. maj 2010

Odsev AVGUSTvarjanj
AVGUSTvarjanja reflection

Obisk razstave Famul Stuart iz prejšnje objave mi je obudil spomine na leta, ki sem jih tam preživela.

Rezultat ene od šolskih nalog je bila tudi ta mala plastika iz gline. Ovalno ogledalo pod njo in ujemajoč se kos stekla za stranski okras sta bila dodana kasneje za skupinsko razstavo v Labinu na Hrvaškem leta 1997, kjer sem sodelovala.
Ker sem se takrat že nekaj let ukvarjala z AVGUSTvarjanji, se mi je zdelo neizogibno kipec dopolniti z »odsevom« poslikave na steklu.


Being on Famul Stuart exhibition mentioned in previous post brought back some memories from those years spent there as a student.

This clay sculpture was one of my school projects back then. The oval piece of mirror under it and matching shape piece of glass as a side decoration were added later for a group-exhibition in Croatian town Labin in 1997, where I participated.

As that was the time when I already did my AVGUSTvarjanja for a few years, it seemed inevitably to me to include glass painting, looking somehow as a “reflection” of the sculpture.

sobota, 29. maj 2010

Govoreče roke na razstavi
Talking hands at exhibition

Včeraj zvečer sem si ogledala razstavo Šole uporabnih umetnosti Famul Stuart, ki sem jo v drugi polovici devetdesetih obiskovala tudi sama.

Vzdušje je bilo po pričakovanjih prijetno sproščeno in z zanimanjem sem si ogledala, kaj so pripravili študenti ob zaključku šolskega leta.
Še posebej so me navdušile roke, ki so prikazovale črke enoročne abecede, saj so mi obudile lepe spomine na tečaje znakovnega jezika, ki sem jih pred nekaj leti uspešno opravila.


Yesterday evening I went on exhibition organised by School of applied arts Famul Stuart – the one that I was going to in the second half of the nineties.

As expected the atmosphere was pleasantly relaxed and I looked with great interest at everything that students prepared at the end of the school year.

I was particularly excited about the hands that were showing letters of one-hand alphabet. Those reminded me of many nice moments from sign language courses that I successfully finished few years ago.

torek, 25. maj 2010

Oreh z zlatimi listi
Walnut-tree with golden leaves

To je isti oreh iz prejšnje objave, vendar ovekovečen sredi aprila, ko je bil še ves gol.
Oblekla sem ga v liste AVGUSTvarjanj.


That’s the same walnut-tree from the previous post, but photographed in mid April, all naked back then.
So I dressed it up in AVGUSTvarjanja leaves.

s cerkvijo sv. Nikolaja v ozadju;
with the church of st. Nicholas in the background:

sobota, 22. maj 2010


V Logatcu sem danes želela napraviti kak posnetek
orehovih listov in ko sem začela, kar nisem mogla nehati.

Ne vem, kaj je s temi listi;
ko sonce posije nanje in se pokažejo žile,
mi je to tako privlačno.
Nekaj mora biti na tem, saj tudi na svojih AVGUSTvarjanjih 
zelo velikokrat uporabim prav ta motiv.
Nekaj sem jih zbrala na kup.

Today I wanted to take a photo of walnut-tree’s leaves
in Logatec, but when I started I just couldn’t stop.

I don’t know what is with these leaves;
when the sun shines on them and their veins show up
it seems so attractive to me.
It must be something about it since I use this motif
quite often also on my AVGUSTvarjanja paintings.
I collected together some of them.

13 detajlov z mojih slik, ki prikazujejo liste v vseh mogočih kombinacijah;
13 details from my paintings showing leaves in all sorts of combinations:

četrtek, 20. maj 2010


Pred kratkim sem naletela na Paper Doll project. Anastasia je narisala sebe, obiskovalci njenega bloga pa lahko sodelujejo tako, da si risbo natisnejo in jo karseda izvirno oblečejo.

Ideja se mi je zdela zelo zanimiva, zato sem danes tudi sama »sešila« eno oblekico.

S pomočjo računalnika sem jo sestavila iz vzorcev mojih slik na steklu. Moram priznati, da je bilo kar zabavo, še posebej, ker si nikoli nisem mislila, da se bodo moja AVGUSTvarjanja kdajkoli spustila v modne vode :)

Poskusiš lahko tudi ti!


Recently I bumped into Paper Doll project. Anastasia made a paper-doll of herself and visitors of her blog can participate in a way, that they print it and dress it up as much original as possible.

I found it so very interesting so I decided today to “sew” one little dress also by myself.

With computer help I put together some patterns from my paintings on glass. I must admit it was quite fun, especially because I have never thought my AVGUSTvarjanja paintings would go in the fashion field :)

You can also try it!

vzorčke sem ukradla s teh slik;
I stole patterns from these paintings:

torek, 18. maj 2010


Pred nekaj tedni mi je dedek rekel, naj za darilce ob godu izberem eno od knjig z njegovih polic. To sem storila včeraj, objavljam pa danes, na mednarodni dan muzejev.

Izbirala sem počasi in z užitkom, na koncu pa sem se odločila za Bobre Janeza Jalna. Razlog je zelo preprost: zelo znana knjiga, ki govori o življenju mostiščarjev na ozemlju današnjega ljubljanskega barja okoli leta 2000 pr. n. št., ki pa je kljub temu še nisem prebrala. Poleg tega mi je blizu tudi tematika; zgodovina našega ozemlja.

Komaj čakam, da jo začnem brati. Resda trenutno ni kaj veliko odvečnega časa, pa vseeno; poletje prihaja!
Prav gotovo bom v knjigi našla navdih za kakšno novo sliko.


Few weeks ago, at my name-day, my grandfather gave me beautiful gift: to choose one of the books from his shelfs. I finally did it yesterday and posting it today on international day of museums.

I have been choosing slowly and with delight and at the end I decided for a book Bobri (Beavers) by Slovenian writer Janez Jalen. He wrote it in 1942-43.

The book is about a prehistory on our territory, about 2000 years BC, at the end of the stone and beginning of the copper age. At that time
there was a big lake with pile-dwelling settlements on ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana’s marshland on the south-east part of the city). The story is based on archaeological discoveries and describes the life of people and their culture at the time.

I hardly wait to start reading it. I haven’t much time right now, but the summer is coming!
Seems like everybody have read this famous book but me and that is one of the reasons I chose it. The other reason is that I adore themes about our history.
I’ll definitely find an inspiration in it to paint something regarding the Ljubljana barje’s ancient settlements one day.

ponedeljek, 17. maj 2010


Dolgo časa sem razmišljala, pravzaprav vsa leta, odkar izdelujem AVGUSTvarjanja slike, kako in kje naj jih fotografiram, da bi bile na čim boljši način predstavljene.

Največkrat sem jih ob lepem sončnem vremenu nesla ven na teraso, jih prislonila ob zid in jih fotografirala. Težava je nastopila, kadar se je mudilo in je bilo vreme slabo. Takrat sem pač škljocnila, toliko da sem imela sliko arhivirano. Sedaj mi je seveda žal, da imam od nekaterih zelo dobrih slik ohranjene samo tako slabe fotografije, od marsikatere pa še tega ne.

Vedno pa me je motilo ozadje, ki je bilo »kar nekaj« in predvsem ni sodelovalo s sliko. Želela sem, da bi bilo poenoteno, nekako pri vseh fotografijah enako in nevsiljivo.

Pred par tedni sem poskusila s pakirnim papirjem naravnega videza. Barva je bila odlična, niso pa mi bile všeč črte, ki nastanejo ob zlaganju papirja. Miro mi je predlagal blago in takoj v petek je padla odločitev: žakljevina!

Ideja mi je všeč zaradi več razlogov. Pod prvo ima lep, naraven videz, kontrasten s sliko, ki je vsa bleščeča in dokaj živih barv. Tekstura žakljevine je groba, steklo pa gladko. Predvsem pa bo barva ozadja nevtralna, tako da se bo skladala z vsemi ostalimi barvami, kljub temu, da zadnja leta večinoma slikam le z barvnim spektrom od svetlo rumene, prek mnogo odtenkov oranžne vse do rjave.

V soboto proti večeru sem torej kupila en meter blaga in včeraj tudi napravila prve poskusne posnetke. Meni je všeč, kaj pa vam?

For a long time I have thinking, actually all these years since I do AVGUSTvarjanja paintings, how and where should I photograph them to be represented properly.

Mostly I took them out on the terrace on a sunny day, leaned them to the wall and photographed them. The problem became when I was in a hurry and the weather was bad. In such cases I just pressed the photo-button, so that a painting has been archived. Of course today I am sorry for having such bad photos of some very good paintings and of some I don’t have any at all.

But I’ve always been bothered by the background, which was “just something” and it didn’t cooperate with a painting. I wanted it to be unified and by all paintings the same and somehow unobtrusive.

Few weeks ago I tried with a packing-paper in nature look. The colour was great, but I wasn’t satisfied about folding-lines being seen. Miro suggested me to use a fabric and on Friday the decision fell: I’m going to use a rough fabric made of jute, which was used in the past to make sacks out of it.
I like the idea for many reasons. At first it has a beautiful natural look, which makes a nice contrast to a shinny and rather vivid painting. It’s a rough material in opposite to a smooth glass surface. But most importantly: the colour is neutral so it becomes to all other colours, despite the fact that last couple of years I paint mostly just in colour range from bright yellow, across many shades of orange all the way to brown.

So, on Saturday late afternoon I bought one meter of it and yesterday I made also first test-shoots. I like it, what about you?

poskus s pakirnim papirjem;
attempt with the packing-paper:

novo ozadje - žakljevina;
new background - rough jute fabric:

mimogrede: ta perunika je danes tukaj posebej za vaju, Tina in dedek;
by the way: this iris is especially for you here today, Tina and grandfather:

prvi posnetki z novim ozadjem;
first shoots with the new background:

nedelja, 16. maj 2010


Danes nisem mislila nič objaviti, pa je prišel veter, povzročil prepih in zaloputnil vrata.
Slišala sem, da se je nekaj razbilo. Na tleh je v koščkih ležal ubogi dražgoški kruhek, ki sem ga pred leti kupila v neki galeriji in sem ga imela položenega na vrhu okvirja vrat kopalnice.

Da vam pokažem, kako je izgledal pred nesrečo, sem se šla sestavljanko.


Today I didn’t mean to post anything, but the wind came, caused a draft and slammed the door. I heard something broke. There was the poor little honey-bread of Dražgoše laying on the floor in pieces.

The Dražgoše honey-breads are one of old craft-treasures of Slovenia. They came from village Dražgoše and they are very unique because of their hand-made decoration.

I bought this one many years ago in one of the galleries and I had it placed on the top of the bathroom door's

To show you how it looked before the accident occurred, I must do some puzzle-game before.

četrtek, 13. maj 2010

Logaška povezava
Link with Logatec

Mogoče se vam ne bo zdelo nič posebnega, ampak meni veliko pomeni: povezavo moje spletne strani slik na steklu AVGUSTvarjanja so objavili na logaški občinski strani.

Ker sem tako rekoč že na pol doma v Logatcu, moje slike že nekaj let krasijo stene tamkajšnje picerije Bolero, pred nekaj časa pa so gostovale tudi v GRC Zapolje, so me na mojo prošnjo uvrstili na spisek povezav, ki so kakorkoli povezane z občino.
Zares sem vesela in kot rečeno, mi to ogromno pomeni. Tako se čutim še malce bolj povezana s tem mestecem, ki sem ga pred leti tako zelo vzljubila. Sprva zaradi mojega Mira, ki je od tam doma, sčasoma pa sem tudi sama odkrivala vse lepote tega kraja.

Nenazadnje je zgovorno tudi dejstvo, da sem svojo prvo samostojno razstavo, sicer fotografsko, imela prav v Logatcu. Več o tej zgodbi pa morda kdaj drugič.


Maybe this will seem nothing special to you, but to me it means a lot. Link to my AVGUSTvarjanja paintings web page has been published on the web page of Logatec municipality.

I’m practically half at home in Logatec already, my paintings decorate walls in pizzeria Bolero in Logatec and they have been exhibited also in GRC Zapolje (Logatec’s gastronomic and recreational centre) some time ago. So, to my request they listed me among the other links connected to the municipality.
I’m really glad about that and as said before it means a lot to me. This way I feel even more connected to this little town in which I fell in love with some years ago. At first because of my Miro, who is from there, but eventually I had been discovering the beauties of the place also by myself.
There’s a big point also in the fact that my first solo exhibition, a photographic one, was held right in Logatec. But more about this story maybe some other time.

ponedeljek, 10. maj 2010

O soncu
About the sun

Danes spet predstavljam eno svojo staro sliko AVGUSTvarjanj.

Naslikala sem jo nekje v letih 1996-1997 za enega svojega sorodnika, ki je hudo zbolel. Ne pomisliš, da take stvari lahko doletijo tudi mlade ljudi. Ampak na srečo je bolezen premagal in medtem si je ustvaril že družinico.

Takrat me je novica o bolezni zelo prizadela, nisem mogla verjeti in nastala je ta slika z željo, da mu vsaj malo olajša zdravljenje in prinaša srečo tudi nasploh kasneje v življenju.
Razveselilo me je, ko sem bila pred slabima dvema letoma prvič pri njem na obisku v novem domu in sem po toliko letih spet videla omenjeno sliko v živo. Lep občutek.

Svoje misli sem zbrala v verzih.


Today I present another of my old AVGUSTvarjanja paintings.

I painted it somewhere in 1996-1997 for one of my relatives, who got seriously ill. I couldn’t imagine that such things can happen also to young people. But fortunately he has beated the disease and has created a little family of his own by now.

I was very affected about the bad news back then. I couldn’t believe it and so this painting was made with a wish to comfort his treatment a bit and also to bring him luck later in life in general.
I was very happy when I visited him in his new home about two years ago and I saw this painting after so many years. Nice filling.

I gathered my thoughts in verses, which I can not translate properly. This is just the best I can:

About the sun

One evening I remembered

how beautiful the sun is

Lightened with a burning redness

I was looking at it in its decline,

when branches gently caught it

Staring at the solar radiance

radiant as the life itself

I wanted still to be warmed by it

and be gilded by its light

The sun whispers me sunny:

Just sleep it over

I always come around


nedelja, 9. maj 2010

S sprehoda
From a walk

Še tako pust dan vedno popestri Zoja s svojimi vragolijami.

A day can be dull as it can be, but Zoja makes the best of it with her playful cunningness.

sobota, 8. maj 2010

Pot spominov in tovarištva 2010
Path of Remembrance and Comradeship 2010

Že šesto leto zapored sva se udeležila pohoda Ob žici okupirane Ljubljane. Petkrat sva prinesla domov medalji za prehojen ves krog, ki meri 33 kilometrov, tokrat pa sva ostala brez, saj sva zbrala le dva žiga od osmih.

Ker sva nekako računala s tem, nisva razočarana. Vreme ni bilo prav spodbudno; skoraj ves čas je rahlo deževalo, prvič v vseh letih, kar se udeležujeva pohoda. Predvsem pa nisva v najboljši kondiciji in s pretiravanjem bi si lahko naredila več škode kot koristi.

Tako sva se odločila za počasnejši tempo in zabeležila nekaj utrinkov;

For a sixth time in a row we attended the March along the path around Ljubljana, which is 33 kilometres long.

During the Second World War Ljubljana was surrounded with a barb wire. On that way Italian and later German forces tried to prevent contact between the city and its surroundings. The March is held for the 54th time this year and marks the liberation of Ljubljana on 9th of May 1945.

The walkway is very well signed, it offers beautiful views, there are benches along the way and it is also very popular for recreational walks during the whole season.
Every year there are many participants on the March. They collect stamps on 8 checkpoints and those who make the whole circle get medals.
We won 5 medals in a row in the past years, but this time we didn’t make it. We didn’t practise it at all lately, so we are not disappointed. Beside that the weather wasn’t motivating, it rained trough the whole time for the first time in those years that we attended.

It’s better not to overdo it so we decided for lower tempo and collected 2 stamps only. Here are a few moments:

Novi most čez bodočo Titovo cesto; 
New bridge across the future Titova street:

Celotna pot je označena s tem znakom;
Entire pathway is signed with this logo:

Tu sva končala sanje o novi medalji;
Here we ended our dreams of a new medal:  

Namesto hoje kavica;
Coffee instead:

Zbirka dosedanjih medalj;
So far collected medals:
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