Se kdaj počutite takole…
Do you sometimes also feel like this…

… in vam je, pri vsem tem… sranju, ki se dogaja okoli nas, v bistvu večinoma všeč,
da ne dovolite, da si privoščijo nezaslužen posladek iz vas?
… and at all this… shit going on in this worldmost of the time you actually like it
… and at all this… shit going on in this world
for not letting afford themselves an undeserved dessert out of you?
Oh! Yes! Absolutely!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLovely blog and great post!
Vsekakor. Mislim, da sem to naredila prav včeraj in paše :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you very much! Greetings to Latvia! :)
:) Aneda!