Dedek je včeraj našel tole siničko.
Ne vemo, kaj se ji je zgodilo.
Ne vemo, kaj se ji je zgodilo.
Mogoče Loncina temna stran?
Že vse od sinoči mi po glavi hodi tale pesem.
Zgoščenko s šansoni Duše Počkaj sem si za dušo kupila
pred več kot 10. leti in je še vedno ena mojih najljubših.
Besedilo je napisal Kajetan Kovič,
glasbo in aranžma pa Mojmir Sepe.
glasbo in aranžma pa Mojmir Sepe.
Grandpa found this great tit yesterday.
We don’t know what happened.
We don’t know what happened.
Maybe Lonca’s dark side?
From last evening on this song goes through my head.
It’s a chanson from Duša Počkaj, who was an actress.
I bought her CD more than 10 years ago
and it’s still one of my favourites.
It’s for my soul and what is interesting
is that her name in Slovenian means “a soul”.
The song is about how strange our life is, happy, but also unhappy;
it’s short and fragile and only one for ever.
What a sad and beautiful photo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAvtor je odstranil ta komentar.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPoor little tit!It has sung its songs... The photo saddens!...
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnd the song is nice and sad, too! Only actors sing in that way - with passion, thought and real feelings! A different post, very touching.
Življenje ima svoj začetek in svoj konec, vse to je del dogajanja. Je pa meni tudi kar žal, ko vidim kakšno ptičko, ki jo svoje na zemlji odžvrgolela.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you and nice to meet you! :)
Yes, you are so right!
By the way: I'm still thinking who I would like to meet. It's a tough cookie, even though I like to play with that possibility quite often myself - there are too many! I will let you know! I will torture myself a bit more. :)
Res, vse to je normalno, ampak pride kak dan, ko se še bolj zamisliš.