Detajli iz sestrinega preseljenega ateljeja s sveže napetimi platni
in knjižnimi policami, ki jih tako obožujem.
Danes se mi zdijo kot orgle, ki govorijo o nas
in kjer se, opa!, že (pre)dolgo skriva tudi marsikatera od mene sposojena knjiga! :)
In kot pesem z oblakov bi bil ta naš svet,
če bi vsi ljudje imeli platna, ki vseskozi kličejo po novem ustvarjanju,
če bi imeli vsi knjižne police, kjer bi zbirali bogastvo sveta,
in če bi bilo več takšnih ljudi, kot je tale mladi gospod.
Details from sister’s relocated atelje with freshly stretched canvases
and bookshelves that I adore so much.
Today they seem like pipe organ to me who speak of us
and where, oops!, also some of the books borrowed from me are hiding for (to) long time already! :)
And like the song from the clouds our world would be
if all the people had canvases that cry for new creations again and again,
if all had bookshelves to collect the richness of the world on them
and if there were more people like this young man.
[Sorry, but the English version is much shorter than Slovenian above,
where you can also see the finished work at the end.]
where you can also see the finished work at the end.]
tale mladi gospod... me je najokal, nasmejal, zamislil...
OdgovoriIzbrišinekoč mu bodo orgle pele tako, da bo šel z njimi v svet, čeprav ga ne potrebuje... ker ga ima.
Dear Maja, thank you for sharing this video! I watched the Slovenian version, too (and even understood quite a lot!) in order to learn more about this unique, talented boy. He's so gifted and sweet. Music seems to be very special to him (typical for a genius) and I hope he'll find his place in this world and spend his life with music all way long!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes, the world would be a better place if more people could sing, play or simply hear the songs from the clouds!
Your sister's atelie is a special art provoking place!:)
Ja, res bi bilo lepo, če bi vsi imeli taka platna in police. Svet bi bil veliko boljši. Krasen je tale filmček z mladim, nadebudnim mladim gospodičem.
OdgovoriIzbrišiS tako malo besedami si (spet) tako veliko (in lepo) povedala! :)
I'm so happy you did that and understood a lot, as you said, because he really is something spetial, isn't he! :)
Thanks - you know with your words so well! :)
In tudi v prenesenem pomenu, ne nujno, da ima vsak ravno platno, ampak da bi vsi gojili strast in voljo ustvariti nekaj lepega, ane! :)
Hvala vsem trem - super ste!
Thanks to all three - you're great!