Prijateljica je včeraj padla na ponedeljkovo objavo s poširanimi jajci in me zasula z vprašanji, ki so vse skupaj (kot po navadi) razvila v čisto drugo smer.
Zanimivo, kako lahko pogovor začneš s poširanimi jajci, končaš pa ga s Chuckom Norrisom. :)
Zato danes prav posebej zanjo objavljam še tale »recept«. :)
[solata s kislo smetano in poširanim jajcem; ajdov kruh z orehi]
Dober tek, Irena! ;)
Yesterday my friend laid her eyes on Monday's post with poached eggs and then she throw a bunch of questions at me. (As usual) all those developed into completely different directions.
It’s interesting how you can start a conversation with poached eggs and conclude it with Chuck Norris. :)
That’s why today I’m posting this “recipe” especially for her. :)
[salad with sour cream and poached eggs; buckwheat bread with walnuts]
Dober tek, bon appetite, Irena! ;)
Njami njami njami. Preprosto a take stvari imam najraje.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, Vladuška, se strinjam. Pa hočemo vedno nekaj komplicirati, ane! :)