ponedeljek, 31. oktober 2011

Skoraj tak
Almost the same

Takóle, prvič sva naredila močnik! Ko rečem "sva", to pomeni, da je večino opravil Miro, jaz pa sem sodelovala nekako takole: ne, babičin je bil bolj gost ali nene, zdaj je pa pregost.

Kakorkoli, bil je dober in skoraj tak, kot se ga spominjam. Edini razliki sta bili, da je bil najin obarvan (namenoma), zaradi pirine in koruzne moke namesto bele, in bolj gost (nenamenoma), zaradi pomanjkanja izkušenj.

Za zraven sem naredila tudi krompirjeve polovičke, ki sva jih pomakala v sol na malem krožničku, vse tako, kot smo delali pri babici.

Takóle, for the first time we prepared močnik, our traditional Slovenian dish. When I say "we" it means that most of the cooking was made by Miro and my part was something like this: ne, grandma made it a bit thicker, not so watery or nene, now it’s getting too thick.

Kakorkoli, it was good and almost the same as I remember. The only two differences were that ours was coloured (intentionally) because of spelt and corn flour instead of white and it was thicker (unintentionally) because of lack of experiences.

I made potatoe halves to go along with and prepared a little plate with salt where we gently dipped potatoes in just like I did it at my grandma’s.

nedelja, 30. oktober 2011

Prazne glave
Empty heads

Ko delaš načrte o tem, kako bi zvečer prijala vroča čokolada, in greš na sprehod z namenom, da ubiješ dve muhi na mah (rekreacija in nakup), in prideš do mlekomata, pa ugotoviš, da si denarnico pozabil doma, in si zaradi tega tako obupan, da, kljub temu, da veš, da denar ne leži naokoli kar tako, vseeno gledaš po tleh, če se bo kje kaj zalesketalo, potem ti ne preostane drugega, kot da naslednji dan ubereš isto pot, s to razliko, da prej preveriš, če je denarnica res v žepu, in potem objaviš posnetke z obeh dni, kot da bi bil to en sam sprehod.

Govorim o dveh človeških in eni pasji glavi! :)

When you make plans about how nice it would be to have a cup of hot chocolate in the evening and you want to join two things into one (recreation and a purchase) by going on a walk and then you arrive to the milkomat and find out that you forgot your wallet at home and you’re so desperate that, even though you know that money doesn’t lie on the ground just like that, you start looking around for something shiny, in that case you have nothing else to do than repeat the same route all over again the next day, with a tiny little difference of checking twice if your wallet really is in a pocket, and then you post photos from both days like it was just one walk.

I’m talking about two human and one dog head! :)

petek, 28. oktober 2011

Petkov srk
Friday's sip

AVGUSTvarjanja vam želijo žongliranje z jesenskim soncem
in s toplim srkom napovedujejo skorajšnji prihod
svojih dveh preprostih 2012 koledarjev v trgovinico.

In ko smo že pri koledarjih, malo kasneje, čez kak mesec,
bom spet ponudila možnost vsem vam,
da si priigrate en izvod tradicionalnega koledarja s posnetki,
večinoma objavljenimi preko celega leta tu, na blogu,
ki ga z Mirom oblikujeva sama in v zelo omejeni nakladi vsako leto podarjava le najbližjim.

AVGUSTvarjanja wishes you to juggle with autumn sun
and announces with a warm sip the approaching arrival
of its two simple calendars 2012 into the shop.

And talking about calendars, a bit later, in about a month,
I’m having a giveaway, to offer an opportunity to all of you
to win one copy of traditional very limited edition calendar
designed by Miro and me, that we annually give to our family and friends,
featuring mostly photos published throughout this year here on my blog.

četrtek, 27. oktober 2011


Ta drevesa bi lahko poslušala v neskončnost
in ta glas bi lahko gledala dokler se ne obarva…

I could listen to these trees for ages
and watch this voice untill it colours itself...

sreda, 26. oktober 2011

Plemenita preprostost okusov
The noble simplicity of flavours

Pogrešam več ponudbe slovenske kuhinje. Več slovenskih gostiln. Pa ne govorim o tistih, veliki večini tako neizvirnih in ki jih je malo morje, kjer so jedilni listi skorajda identični drug drugemu ali pa se tistih nekaj domačih jedi izgubi v, kar je najbolj zabavno, oguljeni klasični ponudbi z vineršniclom na čelu.

Prav lepo bi bilo kdaj skočiti v gostilno na kislo mleko s kruhom za zajtrk ali na joto za kosilo tudi v mestih, medtem ko si prejšnjikrat užival v italijanskih dobrotah in te naslednjič mika mogoče kitajska ali pa bosanska restavracija.

Ena mojih najljubših slovenskih, in nasploh, jedi je močnik. Ja! :) V otroških in mladostniških letih je bil pri babici kar pogosto na sporedu in tako škoda mi je, da se ga nisem naučila skuhat. Z mami sva se zmenili, da bova pobrskali po knjigah in poskusili. Prav takega kot je bil nekoč. S polovičkami krompirja, ki si ga pomakal v sol, za prilogo!

Najbolj žalostno je, da se verjetno marsikomu te jedi ne zdijo dovolj fine, a komur so te stvari pomembne, naj povem, da sem naletela na zapis, ki pravi, da je bila nekoč njegova sladka različica celo plemiška jed.
Kakorkoli, ne bom razlagala svojih pogledov na plemstvo, lahko pa povem, da je bil babičin močnik nadvse plemiški.

Jed na sliki pa se imenuje masovnik in je tudi plemiška po mojih standardih! Brez pomisleka sva si ga privoščila poleti na Jezerskem, ko sva ga videla v ponudbi. Hribovske koče na srečo (še) kar pridno ponujajo domačo hrano.

I miss more Slovenian cuisine in the offer of our towns. There are plenty in our mountain huts, but if you want to taste it when you go out at night for a dinner, just like you enjoy in Italian or Chinese or many others, than you have a serious problem. It’s a pity, because it’s very good.

One of my favourite dishes is močnik (some kind of gruel or porridge) that my grandma used to cook when I was younger. I’m so sorry I had not learned how to prepare it. Recently I had a conversation with my mum and we said we’ll search the books and try to make it just like we remember, with potatoe halves that you gently dip into a salt as a side dish.

It is sad because most of the people think that these dishes aren’t fancy enough, but to those who think these things are so important, I just found out that the sweet variety of močnik was once considered as a dish of nobility.
Kakorkoli, I will not explain my opinion about nobility, but I will tell you that my grandma’s močnik was very noble for me.

The dish in the picture is called masovnik and it is noble by my standards also! Without a hesitation Miro and I ordered it this past summer at Jezersko mountain hut by the lake as soon as we saw it on a menu.

torek, 25. oktober 2011

Zgodovina bodočega doma 2
Future home history 2

Te stare posnetke vedno rada pogledam, saj mi dajo nov zagon,
ko vidim, kaj vse je že za nama, pa vseeno,
ob spominu na ogromne količine prahu me vedno znova zvije. :)

[posnetki so nametani brez nekega reda in so v večini iz težkega začetnega, še razdiralnega obdobja]

I always love going through these old pictures to get some new motivation,
when I see what is already behind us, however,
remembering those huge amounts of dust I always get sick. :)

[pictures are put together without an order and are mostly from that hard beginning-period,
when there was a destructivism still dominating over the construction]

sobota, 22. oktober 2011

Po kruh
To get some bread

[... ali kako lahko drobne zadevice polepšajo siv, mrzel in dolgočasen dan.]

[... or how can tiny little things brighten up a grey, cold and boring day.]

četrtek, 20. oktober 2011

Začenjajo se dnevi...
Here come the days...

… ko že paše kakšna vroča župca, na primer česnova s popečenimi kruhki.

… when it feels so good if you have some hot soup, like garlic one with toasted bread.

sreda, 19. oktober 2011

Kako naj človek ostane resen!
How can anyone stay serious!

Stara mačkonarka, prav tista brez uradnega imena in uhlja, je včerajšnje sončne žarke izkoristila še za zadnje letošnje poležavanje zunaj, mene pa je danes pri poigravanju s koruznimi vzorci zalotil en navihan smrček.

Takole se Zoja včasih prikrade, ko slikam ali sedim za računalnikom, in ker ve, da v te prostore nima vstopa, odrine sicer (ravno v ta namen) nezakljukana vrata le toliko, da pomoli noter svoj zvedavi nos in me kaj-pa-vem-koliko-časa opazuje.
Verjetno ne prav dolgo, glede na to, kakšen hiperaktivec je. Ko ima dovolj, nezadovoljno zagodrnja, tako kot danes, in potem vedno prasnem v smeh, ne morem si pomagat! :)

Kakorkoli, tokrat sem bila končno dovolj prisebna, da sem pograbila foto, a ker ji gre poziranje dokaj na živce, je vztrajno gledala v neko točko na steni, dokler ni minilo.

The old cat, yes, the one without an official name and without an ear, took advantage of the season’s last warm days for lying outside yesterday and I was interrupted by this cute nose today, while I was playing with corn patterns.

This is how Zoja sometimes sneaks when I’m painting something or sitting at the computer and because she knows perfectly well that she has no access into this room, she pushes (just for that purpose) unhooked door only that much that she can squeeze in-between her cute nose and observes me for I-don’t-know-how-much-time.
Probably not for a very long time, considering her hyperactivity. And when she’s tired of waiting, she mumbles in a most disgruntled way, like she did today and than I always burst into laughter, I just can’t help myself! :)

Anyway, this time I finally remember to grab my camera, but as she hates these things in front of her face, she was persistently looking into one particular point in the wall until it was over.

torek, 18. oktober 2011

Zgodovina bodočega doma 1
Future home history 1

Pogosto me sprašujete, kako napreduje gradnja, pa se ponavljam in vas dolgočasim s kruto resnico: počasi, a vztrajno!
Zato začenjam s serijo dokazov najinega dela preteklih let, da boste lažje dočakali zaključek. :)

[posnetki so nametani brez nekega reda in so v večini iz težkega začetnega, še razdiralnega obdobja]

Današnji sklop otvarja prelep jesenski pogled iz sobe, kjer bom imela svoj atelje.

I get a lot of questions about the progress of our future home, but I’m repeating myself and boring you with the cruel truth: slowly, but persistently!
That’s why I’m beginning with series of proofs of our past years' work, so that you’ll await the end a bit easier. :)

[pictures are put together without an order and are mostly from that hard beginning-period, when there was a destructivism still dominating over the construction]

I’m starting today’s set with a magnificent autumn view from my future atelje.

nedelja, 16. oktober 2011

Solzne, a srečne oči
Teary, yet happy eyes

Namesto kopalk vzameš kapo, šal, rokavice in jakno
in se nastaviš mrzli burji, da s solznimi, a srečnimi očmi
vdihavaš morski zrak in opazuješ frfotajoče lase
in komaj ujameš poplesavajoče oljke v objektiv…

You take a jacket, gloves, scarf and a hat instead of your swim suit
and you enjoy the healing burja wind that causes teary, yet happy eyes,
breathe the sea air and watch hair flying around
and you hardly catch those dancing olive trees into your photo-camera…

petek, 14. oktober 2011

Precej žalostno, če mene vprašate
Pretty sad, if you ask me

A ni zanimivo, da nikoli ne slišimo poziva katerega od naših (niti evropskih) politikov finančnim mogotcem, naj dajo delavcem NJIHOV pošteno (in težko) prisluženi denar, medtem ko so jih vseskozi polna usta navodil, kako je treba zdaj, v krizi, nujno pomagati z (našim) denarjem bankam in podobnim ustanovam, ki že tako ali tako nesramno bogatijo na naš račun, torej tem istim, ki so zaradi pohlepa in pokvarjenosti tudi glavni razlog za nastalo situacijo.

Neverjetno je, da se to dogaja tudi pri nas, ki smo se temu enkrat že uprli. Nič se nismo naučili. Ali pa hitro pozabljamo.

Ali je bil prejšnji sistem res slabši od tega? Vprašanje je zgolj retorično, dovolj zgovorno je namreč že to, da imamo trenutno za idealni sistem tistega, ki kot največjo vrednoto smatra kapital in je koneckoncev po njem dobil tudi ime. Precej žalostno, če mene vprašate.

[da vam ne bi pokvarila vikenda, dodajam vsaj nekaj dobre glasbe]

Isn’t it interesting that we never hear a word from our politicians (nor wider in EU) that financial magnates should pay workers THEIR fair (and hard) earned money, but we often hear them whining how it is necessary to give money to banks and other similar institutions to help them out of this crisis, that is, to support the same people who are the main reason for the situation because of their greed and corruption and who have been already enriching themselves at our expense so far.

It’s unbelievable that this is happening also here, in my country, because didn’t we resist to all this once before? Haven’t we learned anything or we just forget so quickly?

Was the previous system really worse than this? It’s just a rhetorical question, namely, only the fact, that we consider as an ideal system right now the one that has a capital for its main value and it is even named after it, it says it all. Pretty sad, if you ask me.

[for not destroying your weekend I'm adding at least some good music]

četrtek, 13. oktober 2011

Morski spominki
Sea treasures

S Krka sem prinesla nekaj kamenčkov in za začetek na enega od njih naslikala
glagoljaško črko B, kot spomin na prekrasno baščansko plažo,
in spet sem bila vesela, da imam Kathyjino vrečko,
tokrat za šopek rožmarina, ki sem ga nabrala na poti domov
in ki še zdaj omamno diši! :)

I brought some pebbles from Krk and for beginning I painted
a glagolitic letter B on one of them as a memory of the beautiful beach of Baška town
and once more I was happy to have Kathy’s bag,
because I used it to carry a bouquet of rosemary that I picked
on our way home. It still smells so nice! :)

sreda, 12. oktober 2011

To in to in rezultati
This and this and the results

Ob čudovitih pogledih, ki nam jih nudi jesen, se spominjam pred kratkim končanega poletja
in kaj vse je šlo mimo mene. To in to na primer.

Ker sem zadnje čase večkrat pisala o balonarskem državnem prvenstvu, naj zdaj, po koncu,
napišem še to, da je državni prvak postal pilot kluba Letimo. Bravo, Vojc! :)

Autumn is starting to show us its gorgeous colours, but I want to show you the city I live in –
- the cutest city in the world at any time of year. This and this are from the past summer in Ljubljana.

I’ve been writing much about balloon championship lately, so now, when it’s over,
I’d like to tell you that the national champion became Letimo club pilot. Bravo, Vojc! :)

torek, 11. oktober 2011

Norčava jesen...
Amusing autumn...

… na mojem koncu mesta.

… in my part of the city.

ponedeljek, 10. oktober 2011

Štiri za danes
Four for today

Včeraj je bil eden tistih čudovitih zahodov, ki se jih kar ne moreš nagledat. [slika 1]

Pred časom sem za sestro oblikovala žig za njene slike. [slika 2]

Obožujem gobe na stoinen način, iz teh šitak pa je nastala tale okusna jed. [slika 3]

S poletjem se je končalo tudi obdobje neviht, ki jih Zoja tako zelo ne mara, da se skrije na najbolj nenavadne konce, in enkrat sem jo našla takole spečo sredi stopnic. :) [slika 4]

Yesterday I was admiring one of those wonderful sunsets that you just can’t take your eyes off of it. [picture 1]

I designed a stamp for my sister’s paintings a while ago. [picture 2]

I adore mushrooms prepared on every possible way and out of these shiitakes this delicious dish was made. [picture 3]

The summer is over and so is a period of thunder storms that Zoja doesn’t like so much that she hides in the most unusual places possible and this is how I found her sleeping in the middle of the stairs one of those times. :) [picture 4]
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