petek, 30. marec 2012

Čudež pomladi
Miracle of spring

Morda bo kdo rekel, pa kaj spet teži s to pomladjo, saj je vsako leto enaka.
Zame ni. Ne morem se načuditi naravi,
če pa v ozadju svojo dramo odigrajo še oblaki,
je pa sploh… ah! Neopisljivo in neulovljivo.

Someone might say, ok, now she’s getting annoying with this spring, it's same every year.
Not for me. I cannot stop wondering at nature
and if clouds are playing their drama in the background,
it is just… ah! Indescribable and uncatchable.

četrtek, 29. marec 2012

Slikarske začimbe
Painting spices

S sestro greva pogosto skupaj na sprehod. Včasih spotoma nabere šopek rož. Verjetno je ena redkih, ki pada na posušene, ampak te so ena ključnih sestavin, ki jih vključuje v svoje slikarsko ustvarjanje.

Pred kratkim sem fotografirala njena nova (in ponovno tudi nekatera stara) dela in ji posodobila portfelj. Kako prijetna naloga! Vedno znova polna novih odkritij in zgovornih nadrobnosti, v katerih se preprosto izgubiš in pozabiš na čas.

I go often on a walk together with my sister. She sometimes collects flowers along our way. Probably there are not many people that fall for dried ones, but these kinds are the essential ingredient in her creative painting.

Recently I photographed her new (and once again some old) works and refreshed her portfolio. What a joyful task! Full of new discoveries and expressive details, where you can easily lost yourself and forget about the time, again and again.

sreda, 28. marec 2012


Cistercijanska opatija Stična je najstarejši (1136) samostan na ozemlju današnje Slovenije, kulturno in zgodovinsko pomemben predvsem zato, ker so prav tu v prvi polovici 15. stoletja nastali znameniti Stiški rokopisi, besedila v slovenskem jeziku.

Pred kratkim sva ga obiskala in občudovala njegovo zunanjščino, kjer je zaradi prevešanja sončno-deževnega dne v mrak nastala tale čudovita barvna paleta.

The Cistercian abbey Stična is the oldest (1136) monastery in today’s territory of Slovenia. It is the place where the famous Stiški rokopisi (=Stična manuscripts) were written in the first half of 15th century. They are one of the most important national treasures, because they were written in Slovenian language.

Recently we visited it and admired its exterior. Thanks to the sunny-rainy day sliding to its evening dark this beautiful colour palette has been recorded.

torek, 27. marec 2012


Brez skrbi, ni pojedla vse te perutnine niti njihove hrane. :)

Don’t worry, she didn’t eat all that poultry nor their food. :)

ponedeljek, 26. marec 2012

Z n-jem
With an n

Pri naši babici smo vedno jedli žlinkrofe, zato sem pač mislila, da drugi nimajo pojma, ko so jim rekli žlikrofi, brez n-ja. Seveda so me sčasoma šole in knjige prevzgojile, predvsem zaradi idrijskih žlikrofov.

Zadnjič pa smo bili vsedružinsko v njenih krajih, kjer so nam postregli z domačimi mokronoškimi žlinkrofi z n-jem in pri tem posebej poudarili, da jim pri njih tako rečejo. Babi je imela vendarle prav! :)

Rada imam take domače gostilne, kjer strežejo domačo, lokalno hrano. Deu - Zlata kaplja v Mokronogu je ena takšnih, kjer točijo tudi hišno vino. Veliko pozornost pa namenjajo tudi etnološki zapuščini, saj imajo notranje prostore lepo urejene, dvorišče pa je že skoraj pravi muzej.

O izvoru imena kraja kroži več teorij. Meni je najljubša ta, ki sem jo pred leti prvo slišala:
V kraj se je nekoč pripeljal nek plemič. Ker je deževalo, je bilo vse razmočeno, zato se je sezul, bos stopil iz kočije in odšel do prenočišča, kjer je pustil odtis mokre noge, kar je še vedno simbol Mokronoga. Uf, obožujem take zgodbice! :)

Our grandma has always been preparing us žlinkrofi, so I thought others were wrong to call them žlikrofi, without a letter n. Of course I was eventually re-educated by schools and books, mostly because of one of the most known dishes called idrijski žlikrofi.

But the other day we had a whole-family meeting in her region. When they served us local Mokronog žlinkrofi with an n, they specifically emphasized that this is the way they call them there. So, then our grandma was right! :)

I like such gostilnas where the local homemade food is served. Deu - Zlata kaplja (zlata kaplja = golden drop) in Mokronog town is one of them. You can also taste their house vine. Interior of the gostilna is ethnologically decorated and the yard looks like a museum.

There are many theories about the origin of the town’s name. My favourite is the one from many years ago that I’ve first heard of:
One day a noble man came there. It was raining and a soil was sodden, so he took his shoes off. He walked barefoot from his carriage to a place to sleep, where he left his footprint on a floor, which has become a symbol of Mokronog (=wetfoot). Uf, I just adore such stories! :)

nedelja, 25. marec 2012

Pomlad vsenaokoli
Spring all around

Pomlad v zraku in pomlad na krožniku po mamino:
rukola, skutin namaz, oljčno olje ter...
vijolice, marjetice in regratovi cvetovi – rožice, ki niso samo za okras.

Spring in the air and spring on a plate by my mum:
arugula, cottage cheese spread, olive oil and...
violets, daisies and dandelion flowers - all these flowers aren’t there just for decoration.

torek, 20. marec 2012

Tretji šopek
The third bouquet

Na prvi spomladanski dan bi se spodobil naslednji šopek, ane?

The third bouquet would be just appropriate for the first day of spring, ane?

modro nebo brez oblačka in eden izmed mnogih luštnih cvetličnih loncev na grškem Santoriniju leta 2005
clear blue sky and one of many cute flower pots all over Santorini (Greece) in 2005

žafran z lanskega izleta ob dnevu žena
a saffron from last year’s trip on a Women’s Day

rože Mirove mami
Miro’s mother's flowers

čudoviti lanski tulipani
gorgeous tulips from previous spring

gorske rože na poti s Prevala na Roblek poleti 2003
mountain flowers on the way from Preval to Roblek hill in the summer of 2003

jesensko balkonsko tihožitje pri bratrancu
autumn balcony still-life at my cousin

spomladansko zelen gozdni utrinek iz marca 2008
spring-green forest impression from March 2008

vrt Devinskega gradu
Devin castle garden

eno od najinih rojstnodnevnih praznovanj, avgusta 2010 v Logatcu
one of our birthday parties, in August 2010 in Logatec

vrtnica v družbi dveh mojih modrih AVGUSTvarjanja slik na steklu (ena, dve)
a rose in a company of two of my blue AVGUSTvarjanja paintings on glass (one, two)

[fotografije so posnete še s fotoaparatom, ki je bil prvi zaposlen na tem blogu,
nekatere s kakšnim od njegovih predhodnikov, prva celo še z dobrim starim analognim

photos were taken with the first camera that had been employed here, at this blog up till recently,
some of them with one of its forerunners and the first one even with a film camera]

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