Danes nadaljujem zgodbo, ki sem jo malo nakazala nekaj objav nazaj.
Ko sva se z Mirom spoznala, je ravno dobro začel tekmovati v jadranju, natančneje v razredu fireball. Zato sem se na barčici kmalu znašla tudi jaz, ki do takrat z jadrnicami, velikimi ali malimi, nisem imela nobenih izkušenj.
Začelo se je tako, da me je nekajkrat po končanih regatah zapeljal naokoli, kasneje sem sem in tja vskočila namesto njegovega sojadralca, na koncu pa sva zadnjo sezono ali dve večinoma vse regate v sezoni Slovenskega pokala (okoli 7) odpeljala midva.
Ker imam morje od nekdaj tako zelo rada, sem seveda zelo uživala, druga stvar pa so bila regatna in nasploh jadralska pravila, ki so mi bila španska vas. Tako sem večino časa le poslušala Mirova navodila (beri: kričanje v vetru), katero vrv naj zategnem, v katero smer morava iti in kdo ima prednost.
Kljub mojemu jadralskemu neznanju in predvsem zahvaljujoč dejstvu, da ima Slovenski pokal tudi podskupino Silver Cup, v katerem sodelujejo »nekoliko manj konkurenčne« posadke, nama je v omenjeni kategoriji vseeno uspelo kar dobro odjadrati nekaj regat, pobrati nekaj pokalčkov na regatah in v končnih razvrstitvah ter dobiti celo srebrno medaljo na državnem prvenstvu.
Vendar pa pravila gor ali dol – te regate so mi prinesle toliko užitkov, tekmovalnih mravljincev, borbe z vetrom in valovi, adrenalinskih trenutkov, napetih situacij, žulje, buške, modrice, solze in smeh, predvsem pa sproščenega druženja z jadralsko druščino ob prihodu na kopno in najboljših večernih zabavah.
Letos se je začela že 4. sezona, ko se ne udeležujeva regat. Vzela sva si odmor, da si urediva dom. Kadar se spomnim na regate, jih tako zelo pogrešam in komaj čakam, da se spet vrneva. Medtem pa lahko le obujam spomine;
When I met Miro he was just starting with competing in sailing, to be specific: in a fireball class. That is why I, who have never had any experiences on sailing boats, big or small ones, have landed on a sailing boat very soon after that.
It all started with him taking me on board a few times after a regatta. Later I jumped in instead of his co-sailor from time to time. Soon we sailed together regularly, at least for last couple of seasons. In each season there are about 7 regattas, which count for Slovenian Cup.
Since I remember I love the sea very much, that’s why I really enjoyed the sailing. But there is one thing that I was not so excited about: regatta rules and sailing rules on general! So, I was mostly just listening to Miro’s instructions (or better: his shouting in the wind) which rope to pull, in which direction we have to turn and who has the advantage.
Despite of my sailing non-knowledge and mostly because of the fact that in Slovenian Cup there is also a sub-group called Silver Cup, which includes “a bit less concurrent” crews we managed to sail a few regattas quite successfully in this group. We collected few little cups on regattas and in seasonal final rankings and we even won silver medals on Slovenian National Championships.
But – rules or no rules – those regattas brought me so much joy, racing fever, fights with the wind and waves, adrenalin moments, tense situations, blisters, bruises, tears and laughter. But most of all I enjoyed relaxed hanging with sailing gang after coming to the coast and some best evening parties.
The forth season in the row has started since we do not participate any more. We took a brake to make our future home. When I think of regattas I miss them so much and I hardly wait to return to competing. Meanwhile I can just live with my memories:
državno prvenstvo leta 2002, ki je potekalo v Izoli, sem spremljala z regatne jadrnice;
I was watching national championships 2002 in Izola from a regatta sailing boat:
I was watching national championships 2002 in Izola from a regatta sailing boat:

leta 2004 je Izola gostila evropsko prvenstvo in takrat sem za Mira navijala z enega od gliserjev;
in 2004 there was European Championships held in Izola and that time I was "cheerleading" for Miro from one of motor-boats:
in 2004 there was European Championships held in Izola and that time I was "cheerleading" for Miro from one of motor-boats:

te tri posnetki pa so z državnega prvenstva 2006 v Izoli, ki je zadnja regata, ki sva se je udeležila (jaz sem v rumenem);
the following three pictures are from nationals 2006 in Izola, the last regatta we were participating on (I'm in yellow) :)
the following three pictures are from nationals 2006 in Izola, the last regatta we were participating on (I'm in yellow) :)
moji boleči začetki / my painful beginnings:

najini medalji;
our medals from nationals 2005 in Izola:
our medals from nationals 2005 in Izola:
