četrtek, 30. junij 2011


Dedek je včeraj našel tole siničko.
Ne vemo, kaj se ji je zgodilo.
Mogoče Loncina temna stran?

Že vse od sinoči mi po glavi hodi tale pesem.
Zgoščenko s šansoni Duše Počkaj sem si za dušo kupila
pred več kot 10. leti in je še vedno ena mojih najljubših.

Besedilo je napisal Kajetan Kovič,
glasbo in aranžma pa Mojmir Sepe.

Grandpa found this great tit yesterday.
We don’t know what happened.
Maybe Lonca’s dark side?

From last evening on this song goes through my head.
It’s a chanson from Duša Počkaj, who was an actress.

I bought her CD more than 10 years ago
and it’s still one of my favourites.
 It’s for my soul and what is interesting
is that her name in Slovenian means “a soul”.

The song is about how strange our life is, happy, but also unhappy;
it’s short and fragile and only one for ever.

sreda, 29. junij 2011

Dve mamici
Two mums

Gospodično na prvi sliki že dobro poznate, redni bralci pa se morda spomnite tudi Lonce [slika 2].

V začetku poletja pred tremi leti je Lonca prvič postala mamica, Zoja pa je malega mucka pozdravila že sekundo po rojstvu. Od takrat naprej sta bila neločljiva.

Kar naprej ga je umivala (posledice so vidne na predzadnji sliki), ko pa je malo odrastel [slika 2] in postal navihan mali lev, sta dirkala in se preganjala sem in tja, kot v kakšni smešni risanki.

Ko je bil čas, je spakiral svojo culico in šel živet v hribe. Vsi skupaj z Zojo smo takrat potočili kakšno solzico. Čez nekaj mesecev smo prejeli video in se razveselili spoznanja, da uživa v potepanjih po prostranih travnikih in da je dobil ime Feliks. :)

Če ima kdo kakršnekoli pomisleke: zbiranje raznih podpisov je, milo rečeno, nesmiselno. Kljub temu, da je imel kar dve skrbni mamici, je odrasel v samozavestnega mačkona.

You already know the miss on the first picture quite well and the regular readers might also remember Lonca [image 2].

In the beginning of the summer three years ago Lonca became mum for the first time and Zoja was kissing this young kitten the second after he was born. Since then they were inseparable.

She would clean him all the time (you can see the results in the picture before last), but when he grew up a little [picture 2] and became a naughty young lion, they would run all over like crazy, just like in some funny cartoon.

When it was time he packed his little travel bundle and went to live up to the hills. We were all sad, together with Zoja, but after a few months we received a video with him enjoying and wandering around wide meadows. It made us very happy, just like the fact that he got the name Feliks. :)

If anyone has any doubts: collecting any petition signatures is simply absurd. Although he had even two caring mums, he grew up into a confident mister cat.

ponedeljek, 27. junij 2011


Včeraj sva se odpravila na zame eno najbolj vznemirljivih izletov – čez Vršič.

Prva postaja je bila picerija Pino v Kranjski Gori [slika 1]. Papirni pogrinjki so še vedno popolnoma enaki, kot so bili odkar pomnim, ko smo tja hodili na zimske počitnice. Kako prijetno je bilo po napornem celodnevnem uživanju v zimskih radostih sesti v topel prostor s krušno pečjo. Preden smo dobili pice, sva s sestro strmeli v te sličice.

Tudi tokrat je bilo tako. Še vedno mi obudijo tiste najlepše otroške spomine. Kot tudi kratek postanek na Jasni [slika 2], kjer smo dostikrat drsali.

Pot naju je nato vodila do Ruske kapelice [slika 3] in naprej mimo vseh serpentin [slika 4, 5] do prelaza na 1611 m n.m., kjer se je odprl veličasten pogled na Trento [slika 6].

Tam sva sledila smaragdni lepotici [slika 7] vse tja do Mosta na Soči [slika 9], kjer sva zavila v smer proti Ljubljani.

Isto pot sva prevozila pred dvema letoma, vendar mesec bolj zgodaj, tako da sva na Vršiču lahko delala tudi snežne kepe in pot zaključila s kavico v italijanski Gorici. Ker sva tokrat krenila na pot šele opoldne, sva izpustila kar nekaj zanimivosti, vendar pa je bilo tudi opazovanje čudovite pokrajine skozi okno pravi užitek.

Yesterday we went for one of the most exciting trips for me – across Vršič pass which connects our alpine and mediterranean regions.

Our first stop was pizzeria Pino in Kranjska Gora [image 1]. The paper mats are still the same as they were when I was visiting Kranjska Gora for winter vacations with my family and it was so nice back then to sit down in that cosy warm place with a wood burning stove after returning from exhausting winter activities. Before we would get our pizzas my sister and I would stare into those illustrations.

It was no different yesterday. I just couldn’t take my eyes off of them; they always bring out the most beautiful childhood memories! One of such was also the next stop at Jasna lake, where we used to skate a lot and where the statue of Zlatorog stands [image 2].

On the way up we stopped at the Russian chapel [image 3] and after passing all of the serpentines [image 4, 5] reached the top – Vršič pass at 1611 m asl. A magnificent view opened on the other side just a few moments later – Trenta valley [image 6].

Coming down to this littoral side we followed our emerald beauty Soča River [image 7] all way to Most na Soči town (=bridge on Soča) [image 9] where we turned back home.

Two years ago we made the same route, but because it was a month earlier we could make some snowballs at the Vršič pass and ended our trip with a coffee in Italian Gorica (Gorizia) town. Since we started our trip only at noon yesterday, we hadn’t had much time to see many of those sights, but looking at the wonderful landscapes through the window was also a real pleasure.

nedelja, 26. junij 2011

Tekma s polžem
Racing with a snail

Včeraj sva se v Logatcu tako dolgo mučila z obrezovanjem žive meje,
da je še polžu prej uspelo priti na drugo stran ceste. :)
Ampak sva pa vmes uživala v lepotah vrta!
We were tormented by trimming the hedges in Logatec yesterday so long,
that even the snail managed to get sooner to the other side of the street. :)
But we were able to enjoy little garden delights meanwhile!

sobota, 25. junij 2011

Razpihajmo meglo
Let's blow the fog away

Takóle: včeraj sem že skoraj spisala besedilo za današnjo praznično objavo, táko bolj politično obarvano, kritično in zajedljivo.

Pa sem šla gledat prenos sinočnje osrednje državne slovesnosti. Bila je čudovita, ne samo zaradi krasnega obnovljenega ambienta.

Vmes sem se seveda spraševala, če je to morda samo slepilo, kruh in igre, da bo ljudstvo zadovoljno. Pa ni to. Ko sem gledala in poslušala nastopajoče, njih strast in izjemnost, ob ganljivi predstavitvi nekaj izmed naših vrhunskih športnikov in ob spominu, ki me je odnesel nazaj za 20 let (ne morem verjeti, da je minilo že toliko - zdi se kot včeraj!), ko smo podobno proslavo gledali nabiti s takó močnimi čustvi, sem pomislila: ob toliko ustvarjalnih ljudeh se nam ni treba bati za prihodnost.

Prešinilo me je, da ima Slovenija nekaj najbolj dragocenega, kar obstaja: ker prostora nimamo veliko, imamo možnost, da se na tem ljubljenem koščku nagnetejo samo najboljše stvari, koncentrat najboljšega, kar premore ta naš svet, začenši z največ sočutja, največ pravičnosti in največ izvirnosti. Ne zavržimo te priložnosti.

Začutimo korenine, ki nas povezujejo z našo bogato zgodovino in nas hranijo s krvjo, ki je bila tu prelita skozi stoletja in stoletja, saj je bilo naše orožje le naš jezik. Črpajmo to rdečo energijo in jo pomešajmo z najsodobnejšim znanjem, sámo-zavestjo in z odprtostjo.

Naš košček je majhen, a nebo je neskončno.

Za gaganje politikov z desne in leve, o čemer sem hotela sprva pisati, ni prostora. Sprejemamo samo najboljše rešitve, ker si samo najboljše tudi zaslužimo. In dokler tega ni, oziroma, dokler ne vidim vsaj premika v to smer, se vse tovrstno ponavljajoče gaganje razblini hitreje kot milni mehurček, a prinaša veliko razočaranja, jeze in žalosti.

Svet je lep, le ljudje so tisti, ki ga naredijo grdega in umazanega. Zato iščimo ustvarjalne in srčne ljudi, da izrinejo tiste druge, ki samo gagajo in povzročajo meglo.

Srečno, Slovenija!

V eni prihodnjih objav vam povem, kaj vse mi je všeč v Sloveniji. :)

Takóle: yesterday I almost finished text for today’s festive post (20th years of statehood), quite political, critical and kind of sharp.

But then I start watching live-coverage of last night’s state central ceremony on tv. It was wonderful, not just because of renewed ambient, one of city’s squares.

I was wondering meanwhile of course if it’s just an illusion, bread and games for people to be satisfied. But it’s not that. While watching and listening to performers, their passion and exceptionality, at most touching presentation of some of our top athletes and being swung back for 20 years (I can't believe it's that long already - seems like yesterday!), remembering strong emotions we had watching similar ceremony at that time, I thought last night: having so many creative people we don’t have to be afraid for the future.

It crossed my mind that Slovenia has something most valuable existing: because of a very limited space we have a great opportunity to gather up just the best things that our world have, the concentrate of the best, starting with maximum of compassion, maximum of justice and maximum of originality. Let’s not throw away this opportunity.

Feel the roots that link us to our rich history and feed us with blood that was shed here over and over again through the many centuries, as our weapon was just our language. Let us draw this red energy out and mix it with the most modern knowledge, self-confidence, self awareness and with openness.

Our piece is tiny, but the sky is endless.

There is no place for politicians babbling, coming from right or left, what I initially wanted to write about. We accept only the best solutions, because only the best is what we deserve. And as long as there is any, or as long as I don’t see at least the slightest movement into that direction, all those sorts of repeating babbling disappear like a soap bubble, but bring a lot of disappointment, anger and sadness.

Our world is beautiful, people are the ones that make it ugly and dirty. This is the reason to keep searching creative and hearty people to crowd out those that just babble on and on and cause the fog.

Good luck, Slovenija!

In one of the next posts I’ll tell you some things that I like most about Slovenija. :)

petek, 24. junij 2011

Mmmm... 11

Ideja za predpraznični večer:
rukola, dateljni, popečeni skupaj s pršutom, avokado in sir s plemenito plesnijo

Idea for pre-holiday evening:
arugula, dates fried together with prosciutto, and avocado with blue cheese

sreda, 22. junij 2011

Pisma iz Ljubljane
Letters from Ljubljana

Ko je bilo to še v navadi, sem svoja pisma pošiljala iz Ljubljane, ker tu pač živim,
ampak vedno me je zanimalo, kako je prejeti pismo od tu. Morda takole? :)

Drugače je z razglednicami, te sem v večini primerov pošiljala od drugod domov.

Tokrat pa vam dve pošiljam z današnje poti izven Ljubljane
in sicer na vse konce sveta hkrati! :)

When it was still a habit I was sending my letters from Ljubljana, because I live here of course.
But I was always wondering how it would be to receive it from here. Maybe like this? :)

It is different with postcards. I was sending them mostly from other places back to home.

This time I’m sending you two postcards from today’s drive outside Ljubljana
and I’m sending them to all parts of the world at the same time! :)

torek, 21. junij 2011

Z mislimi pod palmo
Palm tree on my mind

Danes zvečer se začne poletje.
Ob tej priložnosti bi mi najbolj prijalo ležati nekje na plaži pod palmo,
ker pa temu ni tako, objavljam tak uživaški trenutek iz leta 2006 iz Bosne in Hercegovine.

Po glavi se mi vrti tale napev in sanjam o luštnih poletnih večernih vrtnih zabavah.
Ob gledanju teh posnetkov me ima, da bi zaplesala in si neizmerno želim, da bi znala peti. :)

Uživajte vsaj v mislih, če že vsakdanja realnost ni preveč sanjska!

Tonight the summer begins.
I would much rather be lying on some beach under the palm tree,
but as it is not so I’m posting such hedonistic moment from 2006 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This song is on my mind at the moment and I dream of cute summer evening outdoor parties.
Watching these images I feel like dancing and wish so very much I could sing. :)

Enjoy yourself in your head at least, if every day reality is not too dreamy!

nedelja, 19. junij 2011

Kužki pod mizo in na njej
Doggies under and on the table

Zgornja slika je z današnjega druženja ob zajtrku pri sestri,
kjer smo preizkusili novi prt, ki ji ga je za darilo sešila mami.
Poskušali smo do konca pojesti dobrote z njene včerajšnje rojstnodnevne zabave:

The picture above is from today’s family gathering with breakfast at my sister.
We tested the new tablecloth which mum made her for a gift
and then tried to eat up all the goodies left from her yesterday’s birthday party:

Hlebčke in celo vrsto izvirnih solat je pripravila sama,
torta je bila mamino presenečenje,
višnje in maline pa so z domačega vrta.
Little breads and all sorts of inventive salads were made by her,
cake was a surprise-gift from mum
and sour cherries and raspberries are from home garden.

petek, 17. junij 2011

Portret moje sestre
Portrait of my sister

En mojih slikarskih poskusov
s stojalom in vsem :)
se je zgodil pred 14 leti,
ko sem sestri za rojstni dan podarila njen portret.

[tempera na iverni plošči]

One of my painting attempts
with easel and all that :)
happened 14 years ago,
when I gave my sister her portrait as a birthday gift.

[tempera on hardboard]

četrtek, 16. junij 2011

Črna ovca
Black sheep

Večkrat sem že omenila, da sem v naši družini črna ovca, kar se tiče šivanja, pletenja, kvačkanja, vezenja in kar je še podobnega. Mogoče pa ravno zato, ker sem mislila, da je tovrstnega znanja pri hiši že dovolj.

Kljub temu moram priznati, da me je od nekdaj malce mikalo, zadnje čase pa vse pogosteje, celo do te mere, da imam že neke ideje in želje v tej smeri. Bomo videli.

Kakorkoli, danes sva šli z mami v svet blaga, v Svet metraže, kjer sem si izbrala blago, iz katerega mi bo sešila rojstnodnevno darilo. Komaj čakam!

Blago je bilo še posebej fotogenično, ko se mu je pridružilo Trebnikovo milo, ki pa je del mojega darila sestri. Upam si ga objaviti, ker vem, da ne bere bloga vsakodnevno, če pa imam to smolo, da se bo ravno danes odločila pokukati sem gor, kaj je novega… hja, kaj naj potem… vse najboljše, itak! :)

I have mentioned already that I’m a black sheep in our family, regarding sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidery and things like that. Maybe just because I have believed that there is already enough of this kind of knowledge at the house.

However I have to admit I’ve always felt a bit tempted to try it, especially lately, even to the point that I have already some ideas and wishes in my head. We’ll see.

Anyway, today my mum and I went to the world of fabrics, to Svet metraže (=the world of meterage), where I chose a fabric of which she’ll made me a birthday gift. Hardly wait!

The fabric was especially photogenic when it invited the Trebnik soap into its hug. The latter is part of my gift to my sister. I dare to post it just because I know she’s not a daily blog-reader, but if I have such misfortune that she decides to peek here just today, to find out what’s new… well, what then… happy birthday, of course! :)

sreda, 15. junij 2011

Prelep je ta naš svet
It's a wonderful world

Se kdaj počutite takole…

Do you sometimes also feel like this…

… in vam je, pri vsem tem… sranju, ki se dogaja okoli nas, v bistvu večinoma všeč,
da ne dovolite, da si privoščijo nezaslužen posladek iz vas?

… and at all this… shit going on in this world most of the time you actually like it
for not letting afford themselves an undeserved dessert out of you?

torek, 14. junij 2011

Prazno platno, svet na policah in orglarski mojster
Blank canvas, the world on shelves and organ master

Detajli iz sestrinega preseljenega ateljeja s sveže napetimi platni
in knjižnimi policami, ki jih tako obožujem.
Danes se mi zdijo kot orgle, ki govorijo o nas
in kjer se, opa!, že (pre)dolgo skriva tudi marsikatera od mene sposojena knjiga! :)

In kot pesem z oblakov bi bil ta naš svet,
če bi vsi ljudje imeli platna, ki vseskozi kličejo po novem ustvarjanju,
če bi imeli vsi knjižne police, kjer bi zbirali bogastvo sveta,
in če bi bilo več takšnih ljudi, kot je tale mladi gospod.

Details from sister’s relocated atelje with freshly stretched canvases
and bookshelves that I adore so much.
Today they seem like pipe organ to me who speak of us
and where, oops!, also some of the books borrowed from me are hiding for (to) long time already! :)

And like the song from the clouds our world would be
if all the people had canvases that cry for new creations again and again,
if all had bookshelves to collect the richness of the world on them
and if there were more people like this young man.

[Sorry, but the English version is much shorter than Slovenian above,
where you can also see the finished work at the end.]

ponedeljek, 13. junij 2011

Več kot ena
More than one

Včeraj sva se šele zelo pozno popoldne spomnila, da greva nabrat malo borovnic.
Pogovor na poti do tja je potekal približno takole:

[jaz] Upam, da nama uspe nabrat vsaj toliko, da si bova lahko naredila džus. Jaz bi jih zmiksala še z banano in jogurtom – vem, da je zlajnano, ampak to mi je najboljše!

[Miro] No, če džus ne bo samo iz borovnic, potem bo dovolj, če dobiva vsaj eno borovnico, to nama pa menda že uspe! Čim bo notri ena, lahko že rečeva, da je borovničev, ane!

[jaz] ... ... ... V bistvu res…

In lažjih nog sva se odpravila naprej… :)

[Mimogrede, našla sva jih polno, ampak sva hitro končala z nabiranjem, da se zaradi pozne ure ne bi izgubila v gozdu.]

We remembered only yesterday in the very late afternoon that we wanted to go pick some blueberries.
Walking there the conversation went something like this:

[me] I hope we’ll get at least as many to make ourselves a juice later. I’d mix them together with a banana and yoghurt – I know it’s always the same but I like it so much!

[Miro] Well, if the juice won’t be made just of blueberries then it’s enough if we get at least one blueberry, we can manage that, can’t we! As soon as there is one we can say it’s a blueberry juice, right!

[me] ... ... ... True actually…

And our step was much easier afterwards… :)

[We found plenty of them, by the way, but because of the late hour we had to go back quite soon, as we didn’t want to get lost in the woods.]

nedelja, 12. junij 2011

Kraljevski šmorn
Royal trifle

Ker šmorna oz. carskega praženca od nekdaj ne maram preveč,
me je Miro včeraj želel prepričati z malo drugačno verzijo:
s tuno in parmezanom.

Njami – mnogo bolje! Upravičeno ga je preimenoval v kraljevski. :)
Okrasila sva ga z že malce uvenelim šopkom paprikinih trakcev. :)

Na prvih dveh posnetkih sta dišeči bezeg pod najinim balkonom v Logatcu
in najbolj barvit delček današnjega kosila.

I've never liked much šmorn or as we say it in proper Slovene - carski praženec.
So Miro tried to convince me by changing it a bit adding tuna and parmigiano instead of marmalade.

Njami – much better! So he renamed it into royal šmorn (instead of emperor). :)
[click the link to find out the meaning and the game of words from original - German: Kaiserschmarrn]
We decorated it with already fading bouquet of paprika. :)

 First two pictures are elder tree underneath our balcony in Logatec
and the most colourful piece of today’s lunch.
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