sreda, 31. avgust 2011

Grd človek
Ugly man

na slikah so utrinki z dedkovega vrta / pictures show few captured moments from my grandpa’s garden

Nekoč davno me je nekdo vprašal, česa se najbolj bojim, pa mu nisem znala odgovoriti. Ne zato, ker nimam strahov, pač pa, ker nisem znala ubesediti tistega, kar mi je hodilo po glavi. Težko mi je bilo reči, kar sem mislila.

Zdaj me ni več sram: najbolj me je strah človeka. Grdega človeka.

Če kaj nisem, potem nisem ena tistih oseb, ki mislijo, da je vsak človek v osnovi dober. Ne mislim tako. Nekateri so preprosto zlobni, brez vesti, in temu smo na žalost priče vsak dan, skoraj na vsakem koraku.

Ne mine niti dan, da ne bi bila žalostna. Mislim, da vsi nosimo del te žalosti v sebi, tudi na najbolj sončen in brezskrben dan.

Človeška zloba ne pozna meja. Ne omili je niti dobrota mnogih čudovitih in srčnih ljudi, pač pa ti ljudje dajejo vsaj voljo in vsakič sproti nov zagon.

Smo nekje na sredi poti, če smo še, nekje med lepim in grdim: Midway.

Lep film o posledicah grdega dela človeštva, jedrnat in ganljivo zgovoren, s krasnimi posnetki. A na žalost grozljivka.

Once, long time ago, someone asked me what is my worst fear, but I could not answer him. Not because I have no fears, but because I just wasn’t able to put my thoughts into words. It would have been difficult to say what was on my mind.

I’m not ashamed any more: my worst fear is a Man. Ugly man.

If anything then I’m not a person who thinks that each human being is good in his/her basics. I do not think so. Some are just simply evil, without conscience, and we witness this every day, unfortunately, almost at every step.

There’s not even a day that passes without feeling sad. I think all of us carry a piece of this sadness inside, even on the sunniest and careless day.

Human evil has no limits. It’s not diminished even by the goodness of so many wonderful and hearty people, but they give you at least a will and a power to go on.

We’re somewhere in the mid-way, if still, somewhere between beautiful and ugly: Midway.

This beautiful short film is about the consequences of ugly part of humanity, it is concise and movingly expressive, with amazing footage. But unfortunately it is a horror-movie.

torek, 30. avgust 2011

Slovenska zgodovina v petih minutah
Slovenian history in five minutes

Včeraj sem naletela na tale posnetek in se prav fino narežala. :)

I bumped into this video yesterday and just couldn’t stop laughing. :)

Even if the video was translated, it would not be funny unless you’d know some milestones in our history.

[there’s a kozolec, a typical Slovenian wooden structure, in the first picture]

nedelja, 28. avgust 2011

Skrite toplice
Hidden spa

Kljub vsem lepotam, ki jih na vsakem koraku nudi Krka, okusnem kosilu na njenem obrežju v Kmečkem hramu v vedno očarljivi Kostanjevici na Krki in dramatični nebesni spremljavi ob povratku domov je bil vrhunec včerajšnjega popotovanja vsekakor odkrivanje v gozdičku blizu Šmarjeških Toplic skrite brezplačne toplice, imenovane Klevevška toplica.

slika 1: simpatična poslikava skale v neposredni bližini Klevevške toplice
slika 4: zaradi neznosne vročine sem morala aktivirati celo svojo pahljačo :)

Despite all the beauties that Krka river offers at every step, despite the delicious lunch on the riverbank in gostilna Kmečki hram in always charming Kostanjevica na Krki (=Kostanjevica on Krka), the cute old river-island-town, and despite the dramatic sky accompaniment on our way home, the highlight of yesterday’s trip around the Dolenjska region was discovering little thermal spa, Klevevška toplica, hidden in the woods near Šmarješke Toplice.

Because Slovenia is full of spas, discovering this tiny one, free-of-charge, was a real event for us.

picture 1: cute little painting on the rock just nearby Klevevška toplica
picture 4: due to unbearable heat I was forced to activate even my fan :)

sobota, 27. avgust 2011

petek, 26. avgust 2011

Kolaž sanj
Collage of dreams

Všeč mi je, kako se da z odsevi sestaviti kolaž in pričarati prav poseben pogled,
kot zadnjič tam nekje na prehodu iz julija v avgust na Jezerskem,
sliko brez konca in svet, ki skoraj že meji na sanje.

I like how a collage can be made out of reflections and that it can be conjured into a special view,
like the other day in Jezersko somewhere between July and August,
you can bring out to mind an image without an end
and a world that is almost closer to dreams.

četrtek, 25. avgust 2011

Vitaminska bomba
Vitamin bomb

Prijateljsko druženje ob začinjeni vitaminski bombi, ki jo je pripravila sestra.

Friendly chatting and enjoying a spiced up vitamin bomb prepared by my sister.

torek, 23. avgust 2011


Avgust je končno dobil svoje prave barve. Te dni je vročina tako neznosna, da povzroča hudo lenobo in nedelovanje možganov, zato gradivo za objavo ukradem drugod. :)

Obrnem se na blog, ki se šibi od slastnih receptov, pa naletim na težavo, ker ne vem, katerega izbrati, zato se odločim kar za zadnjega, preizkušenega, in ki je zame vedno znova… mmmm... prava poslastica, fige pa celo najljubši sadež. Kot nalašč za današnji dan!

Priporočam pa seveda, da pobrskate tudi po starejših receptih.

[ne sliki je moja girlanda v dnevni sobi stričeve družine]

August has finally got its true colours. These days the heat is so unbearable, every day up to 35°C (or 95°F), that it causes a very severe laziness and brain inactivity; so I steal the material for today’s post elsewhere. :)

I turn to a blog that is full of delicious recipes, but I bump into troubles because I do not know which one to choose, so I decide for the last, the tested one, every time so… mmmm... a real treat for me, especially for the figs are my favourite food. Just perfect for today!

I recommend, of course, that you browse also through the old recipes.

[in the image there’s my garland at my uncle’s family living room]

ponedeljek, 22. avgust 2011


Razlog za vse te oglede, s katerimi vas morim že ves teden :),
je bilo kratko bivanje v Belici, domačiji v briški Medani,
ki sva ga dobila za rojstnodnevno darilo.

Ker je lokacija tako čudovita, ambient sanjski, v tradicionalnem slogu,
hrana božanska in osebje nadvse prijazno, si zasluži svojo objavo!

The main reason for all this sight-seeing that I’m boring you with for the whole week already :)
was a short stay in homestead Belica, in Medana village in Brda, which we got for our birthday gift.

Because the location is so wonderful, the ambience so dreamy, in traditional style,
the food divine and the staff so kind, it all deserves a post of its own!

nedelja, 21. avgust 2011

Kjer se srečata Lepa Vida in Rilke
Where Lepa Vida and Rilke meet

Pred enim tednom sva torej vijugala preko meje z Italijo,
parkrat načrtovano in nekajkrat seveda po nesreči :),
in tudi današnja objava iz tistega vikenda je od tam.

Slikovit Devinski grad s prekrasnim razgledom na morje se nahaja le okoli 3 kilometre od meje,
v istoimenskem kraju pa se je vse do leta 1950 govorilo pretežno slovensko.
Zdaj je ravno obratno.

To je kraj, kjer se dogaja legenda o Lepi Vidi
in v tem gradu je Rilke napisal svoje Devinske elegije.

In ko sva šla mimo vrat, na katerih je pisalo »privat«,
je Miro hotel potrkati in vprašati, če sprejmejo dva lačna gosta,
saj se je ravno bližal čas kosila. :)
O ja, s tako lahkoto bi se navadila na en takle poletni vikend! :)

So, one week ago we were criss-crossing the border with Italy,
few times intentionally and few times accidentally, as always :),
and today’s post from that weekend is also from over there.

Devinski grad (Italian = Castello di Duino) is a picturesque castle
with a breathtaking view over the Mediterranean Sea just about 3 kilometres across the border.
Devin (Italian = Duino) is a town with predominantly Slovene speaking population up to 1950s’
and now it’s all the way around.

It’s a place where Slovene folk legend Lepa Vida
(=Beautiful Vida; Vida is a common Slovenian female name) 
takes place and in this fairy-tale castle Rilke wrote his Duino Elegies.

And while passing the door where the sign “private” was on,
Miro wanted to knock and ask them if they take two hungry guests,
as the lunch time was approaching fast. :)
O ja, I could so easily get used to a summer residence like this one! :)

sobota, 20. avgust 2011

Romarska pot z razgledom
Pilgrimage with a view

Mimogrede sva skočila še na Sveto Goro,
kamor vodi znana romarska pot iz 16. stoletja,
ki sva jo pred približno pol leta lahko videla izpod Solkanskega mostu.

S Svete Gore je krasen razgled vse naokoli, od morja do Alp,
tudi na vasico Grgar [zadnja slika], skozi katero sva se kasneje tudi peljala.

On the way we visited also Sveta Gora (=Holly Mountain),
a place of pilgrimage since the middle of the 16. century,
which we could see while standing under Solkanski most about half a year ago.

Sveta Gora offers you the most gorgeous view all around, from the Mediteranean Sea to the Alps,
including towards Grgar [last picture], a village where we drove through a bit later.

petek, 19. avgust 2011

Čipka in živo srebro se ujemata lepo
Lace and mercury go together perfectly

Idrija, mesto čipk, žlikrofov, gradu Gewerkenegg
in drugega najstarejšega in največjega rudnika živega srebra na svetu.

[nadaljevanje niza ogledov iz preteklega vikenda]

Idrija, the town of lace, žlikrofi, Gewerkenegg Castle
and the second oldest and largest mercury mine in the world
(with still preserved tourist entrance called Antonijev rov [=Anthony’s shaft]).

[continuation from past weekend sightseeing]

četrtek, 18. avgust 2011

Mavrica na betonu
Rainbow over a concrete

Takó! Včeraj sva pripravila prvi žur v najinem nastajajočem domu. Še en zapoznel rojstnodnevni, tokrat za moje prijateljice s svojimi družinami.

Namestila sva nas na še nebrušen parket, še nepobeljene stene sva okrasila z mojo girlando, namesto šopka sva z balkona utrgala kar eno vejico bezgovih jagod, pili smo seveda Mirovo doma varjeno pivo, še naprej pa se bom lahko lepšala z oljčnim oljem, obogatenim s sivko, čisto svežo pošiljko s Paga.

Čas je kar prehitro minil, le otroci so se ob našem kramljanju malo dolgočasili. :)

Takó! We prepared our first party in our in-construction-future-home yesterday. It was yet another belated one for our birthdays, this time for my girl-friends and their families.

We set us on unfinished parquet, decorated raw walls with my garland, instead of bouquet we put a branch of elderberries freshly picked from our balcony in a vase, we drank Miro’s homebrewed beer of course and I can continue with beautifying myself with home made olive oil enriched with lavender, fresh delivery from Pag Island (Croatia).

Time flew away too fast, just the kids were bored a bit listening to our chatting. :)

sreda, 17. avgust 2011


Ena od postaj preteklega konca tedna je bila v Ogleju, v starem rimskem mestu (področje je bilo naseljeno baje že v prazgodovini), kjer sem si končno ogledala te krasne starokrščanske mozaike. To bi morala storiti že zdavnaj!

Kakorkoli, tudi bazilika je veličastna. Najraje imam take cerkve – stare in predvsem nenačičkane. Tam ni časa in svetloba je… ah! :)

One of the stops in the past weekend was in Oglej (italian = Aquileia) in Italy, an ancient roman town (the place was supposedly inhabited already in prehistory), an area just across the Slovenian-Italian border still heavily inhabited also by Slovenes.

Although it is only about an hour drive away from my hometown Ljubljana it was only now that I finally went to see those beautiful mosaics. I should have done that earlier!

Anyway, the basilica is magnificent, too. I like this kind of churches most – old ones and above all not to gingerbready. It is the place where time doesn’t exist and the light is… ah! :)
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